Successful remote installation and commissioning of OXIWORKS® aeration system despite adverse Corona pandemic

ADM Razgrad EAD placed the order for a new aeration system end of 2019 with the idea to exchange the aeration system in spring/summer 2020.  Unfortunately, the pandemic made it impossible to send supervisors on site at that time.

So it was decided to perform installation and supervision online.



The simple and modular design of the OXIWORKS® aeration system in combination with well-qualified local plant operators have enabled a remotely supported installation and commissioning of the aeration system at an industrial wastewater treatment plant close to the city of Razgrad in Bulgaria. As on-site support from Bioworks technicians was impossible due to the severely restricted travel regulations caused by the pandemic situation regular online meetings were held and information on the current installation progress was exchanged. Thanks to digitization and good work preparation at Bioworks as well as by the customer's technicians on site, a smooth installation was possible.



This is just one example of numerous successful installations and commissioning, even under difficult conditions.


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