Retrofitting and upgrading of aeration systems
The aeration system is the heart and soul of each aerobic treatment plant. Not only does the aeration system provide the necessary oxygen for the biological process, it´s also the largest contributor to the electrical bill. Dependent on type and process, the aeration system may consume up to 80 % of the total electrical energy. Besides, insufficient aeration can cause lack of oxygen, which will result in problems with process, smell and non-compliance with effluent regulations. So upgrading and replacing an old inefficient aeration system would seem like a very good idea. However many owners shy away from the investment. In the last couple of years, BIOWORKS® has upgraded numerous treatment plants with its modern and efficient aeration system OXIWORKS®. We have helped modernize conventional treatment plants, old Biolak systems as well as aerated lagoons. The feedback from our customers is overwhelmingly positive. In all cases, the treatment and process itself was improved and the cost for electrical energy significantly reduced. The investment proved to be worth the effort.
- The investment costs for such retrofit are usually much lower than you would expect.
- The return of investment by energy saving is usually 2-3 years
- The upgrades can be implemented very fast, usually not more than 1-2 weeks are necessary
- So far we managed to upgrade all plants under full operation, without shutting downs the treatment
- Aeration system upgrades will not only result in cost savings, they will also create higher contingencies for higher loads
If you are thinking about upgrading your aeration system, BIOWORKS® is the perfect partner for you.